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Pragmatic Version Control Using Subversion PDF Download: The Best Practices for Collaborative Develo

Pragmatic Version Control Using Git starts with an overview of versioncontrol systems, and shows how being distributed enables you to workmore efficiently in our increasingly mobile society. It then progressesthrough the basics necessary to get started using Git.

Mike Mason is an Agile Architect with ThoughtWorks where he builds mission critical systems for Fortune 500 clients. Mike has been using Subversion for more than eight years and he has watched it evolve from an excellent-but-niche tool to being an enterprise standard in version control. Mike is the author of Pragmatic Version Control using Subversion.

pragmatic version control using subversion pdf download

In a rigorously conducted pragmatic randomised controlled trial, we have evaluated the effectiveness of acupuncture as a treatment for irritable bowel syndrome when offered as an adjunct to usual treatment in primary care. Acupuncture was found to significantly improve outcomes at three months, with the number needed to treat being six. We found some evidence of a sustained benefit over the longer term. Acupuncture should be considered as a potential treatment option in primary care alongside other evidence-based treatments.

CONSTRUCT is a two-arm, pragmatic randomised trial (figure 1). Participating patients and their doctors knew which of the two drugs they were receiving. As the two modes of administration are different, any other approach would have been difficult. Fortunately this pragmatic approach enables us to compare the clinical and cost-effectiveness of the drugs in normal clinical practice, whereas the more explanatory double-blind placebo controlled trial would have compared the efficacy of the drugs under stricter, less realistic, conditions.22 2ff7e9595c

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